
Hi! I'm Kobu, a classically trained music producer, composer, and cellist. I make DMCA-free music in a variety of styles and genres.

If you would like to use the music I've uploaded to my channel, I request only that you always credit me and link to the source where you found it (my YouTube page, Spotify profile, etc.). You may only use pieces that state "DMCA-free" in their description on YouTube.

Commission information

Commissions are currently OPEN WITH LIMITED SLOTS. Pricing information is as follows. Additional processing fees will apply. All rates are in GBP:

TypeRateTurnaround time (subject to change)
Full piece (e.g orchestrated ensemble work, multiple elements/tracks, through-composed solo piece)150/minute~1-2 weeks
Exclusive piece, any instrumentation (only available for the commissioning individual's use and not posted publicly)325/minute~1-2 weeks

Payment is due upon request of the commission. I will not edit completed commissions retroactively.

If outside personnel are required to complete a piece (e.g you request for a vocalist to sing on the track or a violinist to play) an additional fee of 125/minute of their contribution is required in order to compensate them for their services. I reserve the right to select the outside personnel.

Please direct all business inquiries to [email protected]

Here's some examples of my work: